USA KIZIMA Baltic Amber Königsberg Mill Handmade Gift


The composition “Königsberg mill” is made of natural Baltic amber. It was created as an interior object that brings prosperity and well-being to the house. [videopress NdW2aZcR]  

In stock

SKU: 5598565M


Baltic Amber Königsberg Mill Handmade Gift, a true masterpiece that encapsulates elegance and craftsmanship. This stunning creation is perfect for those seeking an extraordinary gift for any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary, or simply to show someone how much they mean to you.
Crafted with love and care, this amber gift is entirely handmade, ensuring a unique and personalized touch. Each piece is meticulously created using the finest quality amber, renowned for its rich, golden hues and exquisite natural patterns. The amber gemstones are skillfully combined with wood, adding a touch of warmth and sophistication to the overall design.
Unveiling a mesmerizing blend of amber, golden, and brown, this Baltic Amber Königsberg Mill Handmade Gift evokes a sense of timeless beauty. The colors harmonize perfectly, creating a captivating piece that will undoubtedly become the focal point of any room or outfit.
Featuring exquisite craftsmanship, this gem is meticulously carved to accentuate the beauty of the amber. With its intricate details and delicate aura, this gift is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who receives it.
Whether for a close friend, a beloved family member, or a valued client, this Baltic Amber Königsberg Mill Handmade Gift is the epitome of luxury. Its elegance and uniqueness make it the perfect choice for VIP gifts, celebrating the extraordinary and extraordinary people in your life.


Additional information

Weight 110 oz
Dimensions 15 × 17 × 15 in

amber, wood


Amber, golden, brown


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